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Our LocationIhugh Road, Opposite...

FGGC Gboko
the Principal with her Queens

when you educate a girl child, you educate a nation

Education for Change

Learning is a life-long journey

Develop potentials

True learning helps to refine potentials

About Us

Quality Education For Your Children


Passionate Instructors

Our teachers are passionate, they understand the very need of your Wards. They are well trained to attend to this needs and provide you with the service you desire.



At the core of our work is a continual drive for excellence. We attempt to instill this character in every of our wards, we understand that a proper academic foundation can be established on the grounds of excellence and discipline.



Our students need not only develop academically, but also socially, psychologically and physiologically as well. Our extra-curricular activities includes; sports, quiz and debate competitions among others.


A Welcome Address
From the Principal

On behalf of the management, staff and students of
Federal Government Girls’ College, Gboko, I welcome you to our official
website. FGGC Gboko is an all-girls school founded in 1975, situated on Ihugh
Road, Opposite the General Hospital Gboko, Benue State. Our learning environment is conducive and presents
Wards with the best experience. Our Passionate and experienced staff will not
cease to impact knowledge into our ever ready Students. Students committed in
our care will receive top notch training, guaranteed to make them stand out in
their various life endeavors. We hope you find all the information you need. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us via;
Welcome to our Website!
Barr (Mrs.) EJIOHUO I.O

Latest News

2nd C.A. TEST

The 2nd C.A. for 3rd term 2021/2022 session comes up from 30th June to 1st July, 2022.


In order to capture the full and correct details of our students, parents are strictly advised to login to their Parent Account frequently and update the records of their ward(s) as well as their own record.   Parents without email...


This is to notify parents that the mid term break for 1st term 2018/2019 session commences from 3rd to 9th June, 2019.


Are you a Student or a Parent? Do you want to check result for any Session or Term? Follow this few easy steps:   1. Click on the School portal link on the navigation above 2. You will find yourself on the...

From Our Gallery

Just a sneak peek at what we've been upto.

You're In Good Company


Mrs Akanbi

It's exciting to see that my daughter has made very good progress in many areas while at FGGC Gboko . Most importantly, she likes to go to school, and has become interested in learning. FGGC Gboko feels like a real community and has been a very welcoming place for both my Daughter and me.


Mr Olami

Your teachers are awesome, you did a wonderful job and I am super grateful